Hi Star - I've tried treatment four times (three of which were differing versions of interferon and ribavirin) but not the new three drug protocol for which I am no longer a candidate, although I wish it was an option, still. It has such better results.
Congratulations on your engagement!
It was a while ago that I was on treatment, but for me the side effects came on slowly and were worst right after an injection, perhaps for a couple of days. Lots of people (me included) took their injection at night to lessen the side effects (hopefully sleep through them). Try and remain calm and take each day as it comes. I know what you mean about a phone buddy ... I had the support of a marvellous sister who let me ramble when I needed to. I remember lots of warm baths because it eased symptoms. Often I sat in the bath and just bawled my eyes out ... and it just helped. It's a stress release ... and your body does tend to get stressed from treatment.
Trust your clinic co-ordinator (or whomever oversees your treatment) ... the testing they do helps them stay on top of the symptoms and adjust doses as necessary.
You don't have to do the whole treatment at once ... ONE DAY AT A TIME was never true-er than in treatment. There are many tools around to help ... meditation, yoga, massage, watching comedy, reading were some of my favourites. My husband is the king of bad jokes but it helped. You'll learn what works for you.
Maybe you won't have lots of side effects. I know a fellow taking chemotherapy (for over a year now) and it hasn't slowed him down one bit. It's unusual, but here's hoping. If you do get side effects, like I did, it might be useful to make fewer plans and lower your expectations ... I know that's not how lots of people approach things, but in the end, it's what I had to do to get through the year. Wish I'd known that going in ... and it's the only reason I mention it. Your experience may be completely different.
The side effects are temporary. I do not regret any treatments I tried.
Let us know how it goes and just know we're all hoping for a successful treatment path for you ... the best possible outcome.
Deb from Canada