Hello to all. I am so very blessed to have found this forum,as I sometimes feel like I'm the cause for most of my husbands problems(though I know I'm not) He began the triply therapy with Incivik, Pegysus, & Ribovirin on November 3rd, 2012. He has now just completed his 7th shot and has been feeling horrible. Being a vegetarian and always watching his fat intake was the first obstacle he had to deal with. We are still going through the mental effects of that change. He did up his dose of antidepressants 3 weeks prior to beginning treatment which was a blessing. He sleeps almost constantly, he's in a fog and remembers nothing, he hates to eat, but does it out of necessaity and he is as pale as a ghost which is totally not his normal reddish colored skin. He is now suffering with the rashes, which I got him Aveeno for his bath and a steriod cream and he's dealing with that as well as the occasional supposititory necessary for the burning the medicines cause.
His doctor started him on Procrit this past Tuesday and cut his Ribovirin in half to try to get his blood count back where it should be again. In the meantime, he looks at me as the enemy, because I'm the one forcing water on him and begging him to eat.
I've been a caretaker to both My mom and dad and though it was never easy, I don't remember it ever feeling this hopeless.
Thanks for allowing me to vent and accepting me into your forum.