He sure does know! It's funny you asked that because it wasnt until a few days ago that he asked "how do you know so much about
what I am going through?" So I mentioned this board and all the people that are going thru the same either first hand or as caregivers and that I learned so much so quick from everyone here. As his primary caregiver being able to ask the right questions has been incredibly valuable. He seemed surprised of such a thing. He got choked up at the notion that I came looking for support...yet moreso that I am actually getting support. He said he feels bad that I am having to look for help but I told him we are in this together.
To be honest, I didn't tell him where I am going, but I did ask him to look online for success stories and places he can share what he is going through. His response? "If I am alive to see my daughter get married, I'll tell my story" Not sure what exactly that meant but I feel after that comment he has a goal. It's funny...he still has a son that needs to get married. Lol
On a side note, This past week has been hectic for me at work, and I actually passed up a job that pays more money in Arizona (Which is close to my dream
location of Southern California) but never in my life has a decision been so easy. I said no on the spot. No way I will leave my dad and family now.
Currently I am on a very positive mindset!
MamaLama said...
LS: I wouldn't get too excited. They like to take lots of pictures.
Mike has several thing wrong with his heart. He has advanced Aortic Stenosis and will need a valve replacement and they did Echocardiogram, Carotid Artery US, and a Cardiac Catherization and determined that his heart issues could be managed through the surgery. And they signed off, no problem.
And they love those MRIs. It gives them the best look at the liver and the billiary system. All those ducts have to be reconnected. They will want to look at the major blood vessels going through the liver, etc.
Keep up the positive support. Remember they WANT him to get the transplant. They WANT him to be well again.
Even after transplant, they miss "their" liver. He has an MRI every 4 months. And an echocardiogram every 6 months, but maybe every 4 months coming is getting closer to needing that valve.
Best to your you tell him we are all cheering for him over here on the forum???
Mama Lama