i trust you and your Hubby are doing good themiz, i was sad to hear that
Dennis didn't get good results from Harvoni but i was warned that it was possible for that to happen. The @#$&@@#hep -c must have mutated... like go figure!! we can send a man to the moon but some sneaky little devil virus manages to avoid getting whacked!!! the survival rate for transplant persons had gotten better since first transplant and will continue to increase as we get better anti rejection drugs.. i have heard of a new trail that is going to be awesome..
www.nature.com/news/2008/080123/full/news.2008.521.html as graft failure is one of the main reasons transplant patients expire early..you said the first biopsy costs a lot stateside, thats not very good..as in Canada its 100% covered by healthcare.. the cost though is the fact you can,t work.. hence any savings will be consumed quick.. you end up broke and totally and wits end almost.. I went back to work against doctors advice out of pure necessity . I'll admit it was a stupid idea but it got us outta trouble...I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as it cost me trips to the hospital at 2 weeks stay each time..well enough of my blabbering!! lol Have a good day!!
Edit to repair broken link :)
Post Edited By Moderator (themiz) : 5/14/2015 12:15:22 PM (GMT-6)