Posted 5/26/2015 8:00 PM (GMT 0)
Hey everyone, first time here, but from the Lyme forum.
I just switched Lyme specialists and at my initial appointment she ordered a gazillion labs, of which included a hep a, b, and c panel (14 vials of blood). Anyway, nurse just called and said hep b and c were nonreactive but a was reactive. After doing some research, I believe that this can happen one of three ways. One is I have a current infection, two is I was once infected, and three is I was vaccinated. Does this sound right?
I will check with my parents to see if I was vaccinated as a child as I don't remember. I do know I was vaccinated for b, however.
Also, my liver enzymes are always mildly elevated, but this is from all of the high-dose antibiotics I am on for Lyme (no choice).