Lisa, The ascites (fluid) would be a higher risk or potential exposure for you. Based on what I've seen here over the years and rational thinking which is often bypassed when one is scared. You aren't exposed deeply as say a lover (intimate) caregiver or medical experts. Those aforementioned are exposed to much higher risk (ascites, fecal matter, blood, sexual intercourse, sharing of common household bathroom hygiene items). If you look at most cases where someone contracted the disease it seems it's through blood on blood deep exposure. A needle for example, Traces of infected blood in and on the needle piercing (actual penetrating) skin tissue. Much the same as sexual relations. Penis bleeding from sore, Women's menstrual cycle would be a more likely way of getting this type disease. You are not engaged enough to be a high risk of contamination.
I'm not a doctor just a former drunk who killed off his liver due to alcohol. I had chronic severe ascites until corrective surgery was done. Ascites is nothing more than the build up of the toxins the body can't get rid of naturally due to liver damage. I have seen it being handled by the liter personally. Medical experts with proper protective covering. Gloves, Gown, surgical mask and face shield. To me that initially seemed very minimal protection considering the toxicity of the fluid. Again understandably folks get scared of what they don't know or understand. They (doctors) know the risk of transmission, Their isn't much chance of getting the disease unless I hopped up off the table and started humping one of them, Butt naked!!! Actually it would take even more exposure to them than that (too graphical), But surely you get my drift by now. I hazard to guess given the circumstances of your involvement with the patient, It was a risk but it ain't likely to have gotten you a case of Hep.C.
Wanna help this fellow? Wear protection to potential risk level. You don't need body armor, Hand to hand contact aint likely gonna get you. Wiping a tear or sitting on a toilet seat after them either. Really it's common sense precautions. No denigration intended. Calm yourself, Get tested if your really concerned you missed something or increase your risk factor. Fear is no way to live my friend. Research and recent advances in treatment have all but cured this disease. There is a whole lot worse diseases today to have than liver disease. Paranoia these days will have you putting some doctors office, Insurance company and pharmaceutical companies kids through college.