pink grandma,
Thanks for your quick response, I'd seen you were speaking to others regarding this so I'm really happy you responded to me. My mom is still in the hospital today as we speak. I visited her tonight and she is currently hooked up to a breathing machine because she had ulcers and they were bleeding. Today was the first day she responded to us!! since last wednesday so we were really happy. Her amonia levels were at a high normal (35) and she was coherent. I explained to her all that she had been through and how the dr's told us she only had a couple of days and for us to prepare for the worse. So no she's not drinking but hasn't had the chance. I would like to think that with all that has happened that it would not be a thought to drink ever again. The dr's said that with her amonia levels having been so high she may not be the same person we knew before, but everything seems as it was then again she's not been able to talk yet only responding to commands such a moving feet and or hands. I'm afraid that since I have a husband and children and cannot dedicate all my time to her and since my sister is only 19 (and always on the run with the boyfriend) that no one can watch and make sure she doesn't do it again, that next time the outcome may not be so good. any suggestions?