Here's my symptoms:
-Spasms/twitches all over stomach
-Constipation/loose stools/hard stools
-Twitches in legs/chest
-bruises on legs without injury, they do go away within two weeks..but they also come back different sizes
-constant discomfort in ab area/NO PAIN (why i question me having IBS)
-Discomfort messes up with breathing, as if muscles are weak in core area
-My core area is my main issue..just feels weak especially if i'm standing in a line or standing in one spot period..
-"Stuffy" feeling in chest and ab area..alot!
-no pattern with eating/ i kept a journal and everything....i see no pattern to the comes and goes with or without food
-If i dont eat for a while i feel terribly weakish/sick..and sometimes i'm fine without eating?
-food seems to help at times.
-hair loss
- something (maybe muscle) keeps moving out of place or moving in general under rib area on both sides..StRanGe?
I've researched/googled..I know what these may cause or may be?..but if someone actually has been through this or seen something similar any advice/help would be great. I've had an endoscopy in November, erosions on esophagus(did biopsies, nothing bad)/mild gastritis..I have a slow emptying stomach...not too bad.. and ugh.. I can't see a gastro here because they dont accept medicaid so I have to do this on my own, and pray this heals.. any help would be great- thank you and please share your symptoms/stories.. it does help alot. thanks so much