The danger comes from the fact that doing it laproscopically, they can't be entirely certain which tube is the main bile tube and which is the tube leading to the g.b. that they want to clip. (this is because all of these lie in the layers of fatty tissue we all have. They want to be completely sure which one they are clipping so you don't have to go back in later with major complications because your bile duct can't empty at all because they've clipped the wrong tube. The portal vein lies along the bile tube as does the hepatic artery. All major players in sustaining life. As I understand it, there are major risks to any major surgery, which this still is even laproscopically. I understood and was willing to take the risks. The surgeon was not ready to put me thru them. I am healthy other wise, well, except for arthritis everywhere.
As far as symptoms, about 20 minutes to half an hour after eating, I would start to get pain in the URQ. If I had eaten something such as pizza, onions, garlic, spicy or greasy food, I could depend on the pain getting worse, flat-on-my-back worse because in that position, it seemed to stretch things out and after about and hour or 2 in that position, the pain would start to subside. I would then have lots of gas, burping and flatulence. The area was also very tender to the touch. When the pain was bad, it would radiate around my right side and into my back and up under my right shoulder blade. After an "attack" like that, the g.b. would then ache for several days afterwards. Or, I may turn around and have another excruiating attack right away. I can't say I ever had diarrehea or vomiting because of all this. I am nauseaous quite often but I've found diet Ginger Ale helps tremendously with that.
As I"ve talked to myself today, I have decided I have nothing that death won't cure, so I'm fine.