Thank you for your posts. Can anyone tell me what treatments they used and how they recovered?
I was on Yaz and am in terrible shape!!!! I had and still have the yellow stool. My system doesn't absorbed well. I really need the help. I called Bayer and they said that Yaz causes Irritable Bowel Disease, which is much worse than IBS. Basically your small intestine which absorbs nutrients is damaged!!! How can they admit this and still sell the drug????????? Yas already has an "black box warning" which is the highest level but we need it RECALLED. THIS DRUG IS RUINING LIVES. Stay off all prescription meds unless it's a life threatening event! The doctors don't know what they are doing and they are playing God with our lives.
I had to edit your post as phone numbers are not allowed
This is a very old thread from 2007.
Post Edited By Moderator (**tori**) : 7/3/2011 5:50:58 AM (GMT-6)