The only thing consistent with my guts is it's inconsistency. For the longest time uncooked carrots were tummy friendly( and tummy soothing) food. But now if I eat them I'm pretty much guaranteed a trip to the bathroom within the hour if not sooner. I used to be able to handle red meat on a regular basis and now I can only handle it if the tummy is being nice and it's super lean and ground. It seems that as much as I can no longer eat certain foods( most of the ones in the beginning were not good for me anyways) there is nothing that was once a trigger and now is not. I find myself more and more eating things even if I know it may set me off because I need them in my diet. I eat cheese every once in a while to boost my calcium( eat a bowl of fortified cereal every morning to get at least some), I add ground beef to my pasta sauce to add some iron as well as cook in an iron skillet to boost that intake. Some days I just feel like going back to my old, bad eating habits just because I will get some consistency. Consistently D
but at least I would know what I was getting into. Not like now where I flip flop so bad some days I'm down to passing bile in the morning and in the evening I'm passing rabbit pellets. The other thing consistent about
my IBS is every time symptoms change, get worse or the treatment isn't working it's "normal". No longer able to digest dyes of any kind? Perfectly normal. Getting D so bad you pass your pill completely undigested? Again perfectly normal. When she finally finds something not normal I think I'm going to throw a party.