The Definitive Guide to Gall Bladder Disease thread has been locked by the Admin, as it got too long to follow easily.
Please feel free to continue here. Here is the last post:
RyanB said...
Oh I have one last question that i have been meaning to ask you. Did you have any control over your symptoms. For example when my symptoms are happening if someone around me talks about somthing gross I can a sick contraction feeling. If I try hard i can ignore it and make it not happen at times. Also bad smells will somtimes do this. During my hida scan while i was lying there waiting for the stuff to fully enter my gall bladder. I was feeling pretty sick. I hadnt had any water or anything to eat since the night before so my mouth wasnt the freshest. I licked my teeth and i had that sick spasm feeling when i looked up my gall bladder had ejected some bile into my intestines at that very moment. I am just curious to know if this happwned to you. I know for a fact that you have some mental control over your intestines such as how your stomach can be in knots if your nervious. I didnt think that you gall bladder would have this capability. I am just worried that its my intestines somewhere and my gall bladder is responding to them responding to me. Any insight?