Well 7 days and nothing. I have had pain in stonach and back now for 7 days. Was told last Tuesday to was my IBS by Wendsday I was in severe pain, called doc he priscribed me an antisposmatic. That did nothing. He said he would not give me pain meds because it would constipate me more. So the next day called gastroligist he perscribed me Tramadol 50mg, and had me drink a bottel of magnesiun sulfate (laxitive) and go on liguid diet. Did that drank one that day and one the next day. Seemed to clean me out but still the pain was there. The dday I went to pick up the pain pills got5 stabbling pain in gut and thought I was going to have to calll ambulance( see I live alone with 13 yr old) but took a pain pill and it stopped some what. I also was afraid that they would be just like the docs I have been seeing and calling, nothing they could do. Went all weekend laying on couch hurting. Finnally Monday morning called GI doc told him things were not better, he said saw no signs that my Chrons (another condition I have) was active and nothing else he could do, he advised me to go to ER. So before I did this put a call in to family doc ( he is very aware of my stomach problems) waited 4 hrs for him to call back, he never did. In the mean time was feeling very bad, pain, nausa, dizzy, and body aches. So I went to ER Well just what I expected. Went in the started an IV but a bag od fluids in took, blood work, and after I asked, gave me a percoset. The Doc came in and said he saw nothing. He said " I feel it is your IBS and there is nothing much I can do. Don't feel u need hospitalized, going to give you some stronger antisposmetic and pain meds> Just don't use the pain meds unless you have to because they cause constipation" Well at hearing this I got upset and told him I needed the pin to go away, or atleast to tell me when It might go away. At that time he asked If I was on depression meds. I am not I told him I did not feel I was depressed until this stomach stuff started. He told me to see family doc and talk to him about
putting me on something for depression. Would you to not be depressed If you were missing work, afraid of getting fired, hurting and docs say there is nothing they can do?????? Well I think this is enough to push anyone over the edge. Well fixing to go back (again...) to the doc. Wonder whzt he will say. Oh wait I know " there is not much I can do" I am so frustrated please anyone out there unserstand where I am coming from give me some advise. Oh yea used heating pad, drinking camamile tea, and mint. Well time to leave for my appointment. Talk soon.
Frustrated !!!!!!