Hi:Am finding this forum very informative
Actually I am a senior member, having first had IBS-C many years ago, when going thru a divorce.....After a time it became dormant, and only flared up very occassionaly......However, since 2003 it has become a regular part of my life, and seems to be a chronic state......no pain, but so much gas, nausea, bloating that life is not as pleasant as it once was.............I am active, exercise, walk , socialize etc., even though there are times when I would like to just retreat.......have not had a colonoscopy as it has been a constant companion for so long that had it been anything more insidious it would have manifested itself, I do take a mild tranquilizer, meditate etc. and am and always have been inclined to have psychosomatic ailments..........Thats about it........Any comments.