Hi, I don't know if this will help , because I am going through my own hell right now. My story in a nutshell is right below yours. I am not a Doctor so take my advice with a grain of salt, and always ask your doctors what they think. That being said, do you experience any pain like you felt just before you had your Gallbladder removed? If so then do research on the Sphincter of Odi Dysfunction it's rare, but it does happen. Go to reputable medical websites also. Then write down any questions you might have, if you think if the syptoms are similar to what you are experiencing. Go to your GI specialist, also, if you have one.
about the Diarrhea, a lot of people I hear on this forum take a medication called Welchol and it works for them. For me it did not do anything, for some reason I did not respond to it, and I can't take Questran either because I throw it up, like just about anything I eat or drink. For you it might be worth a shot to just ask about this med to your doc's and see what they say.
Thirdly, and I hope you are spared this Diagnosis, but it might be worth looking into. Look up Gastroparesis and see if your symptoms resemble the symptoms of this disorder. If it does then ask your Doc if they would consider testing you for it. If you read my topic I kind of explain what Gastroparesis is, but always ask your Doc, or go to Medical websites. There are many ways this is diagnosed. My Doc chose a Gastric Emptying test. This is done in Nuclear Medicine and is a scan. They give you a small meal that tasted terrible, and they put a tracer in it and you have finish the meal in about 5 min. Then you lay down on a scanning table lay still for about 1 1/2 hours. With this they can get a sense of how fast or slow your stomach is emptying. The time you want is 60 min.
I hope this helps and I hope I am making some sense, because I just got done vomiting about 22 times in less than 15 min. an hour and a half after eating dinner so I am dizzy and weak. I wish you the best, and hope you can have some semblance of a normal life.