If anyone could send me a reply I'd appreciate it. I know I'm being a huge baby about
this but after reading some of the forums on here, I'm kind of freaking out still about
my first time taking the moviprep. I'm so confused and worried I won't be able to get
it down! People have said it tastes like furniture polish or flat 7up. I'm going in for
my second colonoscopy for the second time because the doctor found a big benign
polpy. Now there is no record of colon cancer in my family, but after finally my mom
begging me to go see someone about my stomach troubles when I eat greasy foods
and get painful stomach aches I went in for a double endo and colonoscopy last year.
Doctor felt my colon wasn't clean out enough and he wants to make sure he doesn't
miss anything. I sure could use some helpful tips on how to handle swigging down
the moviprep. I go in for it next Thursday. The inpatient pharmacy said it was okay
to add crystal light lemonade powder but after I made the movi prep and then add it.
HELP ME!! Please......