Hi people.
For years I have had trouble going to the toilet. I went to gastrologists who just have me stonger and stronger laxatives.
I had a fissure operation in 1999 and since then have outlet problems. I was refered to leeds, they sai i had an oulet, anismus problem and injected botox. This did not work. Then I had the colonic transit study and 5 days later all markers there.
I have ME i dont know if this contributes but anyway he recommended a sub total colectomy.
I also have endometrosis and definetly bleed from my rectum when i menstrate. So I wondered if there was a link. My gynea said maybe and he says a sub total colecotmy is drastic and that I will be on the loo over 10 times a day and unless it was life threatening why remove it?.
The bowel surgeon disagrees. If he opens me up, sees it might be endo he wont do the op. He says in 95% of cases problem solved , patient has 2-3 normal bowel movements a day. Quality of life issue.
So my doc might refer me to someone else , a gynecologist for a second opinion. My life has been spent in teh last 12 years, in the bathroom, using suppositories and laxatives. The laxatives they prescribed made the whole problem worse. To me the whole thing has to go. I have had enough!! I'm 42..ive been doing this since i was 29!! 8 suppostories a day or more.
Anyhow if anyone else in this world has colonic inertia....what is it like? do you sometimes pass ubndegiested food? can you eat peas one day and poop peas as they are the next? is it all about slow moving transit or are there issues that affect the working of teh bowel. Can you ever go with out supoostories? do you pass a lot when you go? How do you feel, doe sit make you tired, headachy, feel ill.....what is colonic inertia, ME or teh endo? are you in pain?
any experiences of colonic inertia or subtotal colectomies would be very very grafefully recived. I feel so alone with this and no one understands. |