Hello All,
I have IBS, duh right...why else am I here
I've dealt with it since about
12 and I'm 27 now. I've learned pretty much just to deal with and it doesn't really bother me all that much. Nor does it hold me back from doing what I love.
However about
2 months ago it's expressed itself differently. It was more pain than usual, not the same type of pain nor in the same area. After a few weeks of it pretty much all day every day and much research I decided to see the doctor. I had narrowed the issue down to liver or gallbladder. I had a full physical about
1 year ago and all the blood work came back good so I was less worried about
the liver, although I do drink frequently. Well the doctor thought it was the gallbladder also but did liver blood work to rule out the liver. The liver came back fine.
He recommended an ultra sound if the pain persisted and that it might need to be removed.
In an attempt to avoid it being removed I've been taking homeopathic remedies to try and help avoid removal. I can post later what they are if needed, but my sister is a homeopathic technician. My stool has been pretty consistent and the pain has decreased to lesser level and is only off and on now. If it doesn't full alleviate the problem is there an issue with me just living with the gallbladder symptoms?