Posted 3/14/2011 11:40 PM (GMT 0)
hi, i am new to forum, i am 62 years old, female, i have had very bad health since my fourth pregnancy,30 years ago! it took until 2006 to find i had a diaphragmatic hernia,which required 6 hrs of surgery,i prayed the pain,exhaustion,diarr. dehydration,chest pain,flu like symptoms and undiagnosed anemia,which gave me a sore tongue,mouth ulcers, cold sores and restless legs would go after the surgery but to my horror it didnt,doctors intimated me,but my health was so bad i had no quality of life, 2008 ibs diagosed,but 2009 it turned out to be celiac intollerance,due to wheat allergy,diet helped pain,but i think i have gallbladder symptoms,i have still pain under heart and above ribs,especially after eating anything,i have nausea,vomiting and even landed in a & e last week with chest pain,the diarrhea is 8 to 10 times a day and has been for years,leaving me with no vitamin and mineral intake i am bedridden,especially in the mornigs for hours with terrible weakness, a gastro told me it would be worth trying questrian to see if it was habba syndrome (ibs can be mistaken for this) but after 3 x 25mg of questrian the diarrhea was worse and it was chalk like in colour,i am prescribed dioralyte now which helps with electrolytes so not as weak,its went on so long now doctors dont want to know me, its a nightmare i cant speak up for myself my gp just mumbles at me, and i say ok and walk out but i am desperate, in 2003 my husband had no hope for me i was so ill, but i couldnt even get a housecall, i think it all caught up with my body,i promise i fight this with everything ive got,but i am so weary being ill all the time,can anyone give me advice, even on how to be assertive with doctor,anyhelp appreciated. (all this sounds pathetic, but unfortunately its true) nancyiris543.