Hi jrlm, sorry to be so slow replying but been hellishly busy at work of late. FODMAP diet still relatively unheard of, even among doctors, dietitians, etc. Slowly becoming more well known and accepted as a legitimate approach to reducing IBS symtoms. The results of ongoing research in Australia is slowly filtering through to health professionals around the world, and these sorts of forums have been great at spreading the word to IBS sufferers. The more IBS people who mention FODMAPS to their doctor/dietitian the more interest there will be from health professionals, and hopefully they'll look into it more. I guess it will be like the gluten free diet - took a long time for that to be recognised. Anyway, Katie's symtoms included tummy bloating, 'wind', abdominal cramps, diarrhea - all were becoming very severe. She's quite thin and she'd bloat and look like she was 8 months pregnant, and rushing to the toilet after almost every meal with watery diarrhea. She's not a 'complainer' and hadn't said too much about
it but I found her doubled up on the couch in agony and crying one night. That's when we began the rounds of doctors and tests, and I started doing a lot of internet research. In the end all they could tell us was that she was not Coeliac, and didn't have Crohns or Colitis or any other identifiable disease. They just said she's got Irritable Bowel Syn and there was nothing they could do for her apart from offering some tablets (which were not a good idea long term, and didn't work anyway). So back onto the internet I went and spent days reading everything I could find about
IBS, and that's when I stumbled on the FODMAP info from Shepherd Works. The reasoning behind the diet instantly made sense to me so she made an appointment at Shepherd Works, had all the breath tests and the rest as they say is history. Still a bit of a bumpy road with some set-backs, but slowly re-introducing the 'offending' foods (high FODMAP foods) back into her diet. Still trial and error in terms of how much of each food she can eat, what foods not to eat together in the same meal, etc. But as I said in earlier post, she is soooooo much better - FODMAPS has been an absolute blessing.
Try the following websites/forums for more info
groups.yahoo.com/group/fructose_malabsorption (this one you can join via Yahoo or your Facebook login - it is Australian based and Sue Shepherd is a member I believe. Information posted seems to be up-to-date and accuate for the most part)
www.ibsfree.net (Patsy Catos is a dietitian in USA - she's up-to-date with FODMAPS - you can ask her questions on her web site, and I think she offers internet SKYPE consultations also)
www.facebook/glutenfreeguerrillas (as mentioned my in earlier post)