I have not been tested for Celiac, from my understanding it's not that reliable of a test. I limit my dairy/wheat though since I do notice I feel better when I cut back on it. I'm going to look up those probiotics you recommended, puffrice. Thank you!
I recently got my stool test back, no blood, so that's good. Still waiting on the blood work. So far, my symptoms have remained the same except today I have a sharp pain in my left side, lower abdomen. It's not agonizing and feels better if I massage it, and fart a lot, but even after going all day, I still have an ache there and feel really bloated, even after eating very little. I'm on my period now, so maybe it's from that. I've had the left-side abdomen pain before, but it happens only a few times, can't remember how often...
Once my bloodwork is done, I'll visit my doc and tell him about the new symptom, and possibly see if he thinks I should see a gyno about the endometriosis others have suggested, even though I think that one is unlikely.
Been stressed out at work, deadlines, but trying to stay positive and watch what I eat.