Hello everyone, I am a 40 yo male with a mildly redundant sigmoid colon that intermittently twists, finally hit the brick wall these past few months and went back to the Dr. and a battery of tests have been run, colonoscopy & barium enema were normal per say. Resulting in a mildly redundant colon at a young age. As well as an additional loop located on the lower right side of pelvis that was diagnosed as "slightly" volvulus. Just recently a sitz marker (24 little rings inside the capsule) took it Sat afternoon, X-ray Mon resulted in 24 markers, Wed 24 markers in ascending colon and sigmoid, Fri 20 markers in ascending and sigmoid thru to the rectum. My livestyle is healthy and active and I have been suffering pain in the belt line for years. Constipation pratically all my life. Laxatives help but eventually quit working. I have experienced problems with urination and erectile disfunction with the onset of this problem that gets worse as symptoms incerase. But the GI doc says they are not related??? The GI has me on bentyl and liberax (intestinal relaxers) walking around dazed all day but I have to say they do help with the pain. Miralax which makes me bloated takes days to work IF infact it does, ducolax then mag citrate when they don't work! Can't go out in public with that burning explosion pending My rectal exams have always been full of soft stool. Occasionally I have the pleasure of a mild prolapse when packed up that lasts for days! I have been dry heaving and coughing on the toilet. I'm exhausted everyday with this.
Through all this I have been met with some good and bad people. From the Doctors in the ER thinking I'm seeking Pain meds, Family telling me to live with it. Me thinking it's all in my head. A mis diagonsed CT scan done in the ER 4 yrs prior Because they were not looking in my lower right hip for my sigmoid where I said the pain was!. Then you hear the word NORMAL a lot! How is this normal? My surgeon said after the colonoscopy that if in fact the G.I Doc. cannot control the bowel through laxatives that at some point I could come to a sigmoid re-section. So now I am going to the G.I guy so he can tell me what concoction of laxitives to take. Something I have been doing myself all along. They don't seem to understant the constant debelating suffering this has caused. I Pray for resolve. Waiting for the G.I Doc. reports on the sitz marker next week.