I also recommend eatting light a couple of days before your prep. I just recently went through this and aside from the prep which really wasn't terrible. It was just bad enough to make you complain about
it, but by about
bed time I was completely cleaned out. I didn't sleep good that night probably cause of all the medicine intake. I was told to drink at least half and when I started to notice things running clear I could taper off the liquid or stop if I felt I had drank enough. I was thankful I didn't have to drink the whole jug. It was a big 4 litter jug. I downed the first four or five pretty quickly just so I could make a dint in the thing. Once things started flowing so to speak I started going to half glasses and then when I started to notice I was nearing the cleaning out process completely I was basically just taking a few more gulps here and there. I lived on green jello and popscicles white ones.
The procedure itself is the easy part. I had a little trouble with the IV because of my viens. They had to poke me a couple of times. Once that got started I just laid there and relaxed as best I could. I had a horrible headache. They turned the lights off for me. Then about 15 minutes later I guess they wheeled me into another room and I remember talking to the doctor briefly as he came in, the nurse told me to roll over as she started the medicine. The next thing I know I'm slowly coming to in a recliner. Once I realized where I was I made myself wake up long enough to hear the nurse tell me where my clothes were and that my husband was waiting with the car. When I heard that I was dressed and ready to go. I wish I had worn slip on shoes. I'll remember that next time. I didn't even tie my shoes though. Fourtunately I live pretty close to the office so it didn't take us long to get home. I sat up had two crackers and laid down for a hard two hour nap. I woke back up to have another bite to eat and sat up for about an hour then fell asleep the rest of the afternoon. I bet I slept till 4. I was still pretty out of it that evening, but not to bad.
If you can get a Friday appointment I highly suggest that and 7:30 or earlier if you can get it is best. Mine was at 7:30 on a friday morning. I had the whole weekend to recope. I don't work at the moment, but it was still nice to have the weekend to chill. By monday I'd say I was pretty much feeling a lot better. Drink lots of water to flush that stuff out.
That's about it in a nutshell. They only found a small polp with me and I have to go back in a year for another one. I'm not totally dreading it espically now that i know what to expect. I didn't get sick with the liquid diet. There were a couple of times I thought I wasn't going to be able to keep it down. That was after the fifth glass of it that's when I started cutting to half a glass. It takes me all day to drink a bottle of water some times, so that was a lot of liquid for me to drink in a days time, but done right it does the trick. Good luck and don't worry about it so much. Oh i did have a can of chicken broth around lunch time before I started the prep. It wasn't bad with a little salt and pepper. Once you start the liquid med you won't be thinking about food at all. White Grape Juice is really refreshing after that stuff too. It killed water for me for the evening.