Hello all,
I have seen so many doctors and most of them just tell me its Ibs. But I read online that IBS is just a diagnose given when they can't figure out what is really wrong for you so I don't believe in IBS! Thanks for all your responses as I do appreciate feedback from other. I've been having a really bad flare up this time and I just am becoming so frustrated and sad that I can't find answers.
SO I had some special types of tests done at hospital but I won't hear anything til Monday. Uhhgg the waiting. I've had so many tests done and have seen so may Doctors. Last year after surgery my Doctor was looking through my chart and he said, "Oh I didn't know you had Crohns disease, so now that is what they are looking for is what damage possible is done to my insides. The bleeding comes and goes it's weird!
Nope= I dont' have hemmi's they told me. I will keep a food chart Bettsann thank you good idea! Just had a bariem exray on Thursday plus a ct of abdomen. You guys and gals I feel so alone I can not even decribe it to you. My husband thought I was going crazy for a long time until he went with me to these tests and she did give us both an indication that something is wrong but she couldn't tel us as it has to be the Dr whom ordered the test. So we'll see. I took some milk of mag last night helped somewhat. thanks again@!!