It took gumption and determination (after suffering from IBS for over 15 years) but I finally took my daughter's advice and stopped eating ALL GRAINS for 6 weeks. I mean all. I do not mean gluten-free (a lot of baloney advertising goes into that one) ... I mean I stuck to meat, veggies, and fruit (and occasionally a square or two of dark chocolate) for 6 weeks.
No more stomach pain. No more bloating. No more sprinting to the bathroom with rocket-like diarrhea.
I would suggest ibs sufferers try this, but you can't go about
it half heartedly, (or cheat and claim you 'didn't eat this or that'...)
I am not saying its EASY because it is NOT... but if you get to the point where you are so sick and tired of having to miss things and having your life messed up with ibs... then think about
giving it a try.
For 4 weeks I did not even eat one bite of ANYTHING that had ANY kind of grain in it...then during wk 5 I included a little brown rice with success. BUT FIRST you have to detox your system. That was not fun either...Now I will eat brown rice and pasta made of quinoa.
I cheated and had a piece of cake at a baby shower and pd dearly for it the next day or so... but this was after 2 months...
I actually felt PROUD of myself that I MADE IT!!... no excuses to myself... before I always cheated then said 'it didn't work' ... you can fool others but not yourselves.
So, if you want to go grain free, good luck! You will feel better all the way around once you get past several weeks of detox. Non organic grains are some of the most chemically poisonous foods people consume. But eating 'organic' grains will not clear up ibs.
Please feel free to email me if you want support!