Posted 4/4/2015 11:09 AM (GMT 0)
I am not sure if my problem is hormonal or related to IBS but I thought I would ask here anyway. I'm 29 and for the last few weeks, just after my period ended, my breasts have been sore, heavy and much fuller. I'm petite so I can notice that they are much fuller and heavier. They are very painful when I lay down, walk, bend, wear a bra, etc. I noticed that I may have ovulated earlier this month (I saw discharge about a week before I should have ovulated) but this pain has been for weeks not just a few days. Normally I get sore breasts just before my period but never like this.
I've also been more bloated lately in my stomach and gassy. I'm not constipated but I never feel like I completely empty myself when I go to the bathroom. I've heard reducing salt and coffee may help, so I've already done that.
Should I see a dr for this? If it is hormonal, could it just be due to stress or something more serious?