I know I have IBS-C. I tend to get constpated easily and the gas and the bloating...MY GOD
It is do depressing !!!
It has been getting more frequent. I have noticed it gets real worse if I eat things such as White Bread, Pasta or I try to avoid that. If I do eat any of that even if it is a little the next day I feel like I have a boulder in my stomache and I cant do to the bathroom !! The gas and bloating get even worse!!
I did have a problem with Diahreah but that doesnt bother me anymore. I had a Hyst almost 1 year ago and the Diahreah seemed to be from my Endo issue.
The thing is I know I sould eat more veggies which I do love, but even that gets me real gassy...What is the best foods to eat for this problem. I want to be able to move my bowels. Also what helps get rid of the gas, bloating, and the pain in my bowel area??
This is not fun at all..It realy takes a toll on yah!!