I happen to agree with you on the pain issue - I was having back pain so they said it was my appendix (which they removed) come to find out two weeks later that it was my gall bladder(which they had to remove). We live in a small town and I don't trust any of the doctors here! Her pediatrician is about
40 minutes away, and the GI doctor is about
1 1/2 hours away. She will continue to see the pediatrician until she turns 16, then we can move her over to our family physician which only takes patients 16 and over. I am taking her to a gyno next week for a check up just in case the GI doc is wrong. We are only having trouble finding a GI doctor - the pediatrician says the the pediatric GI's which he talked to say that because of her size (5'9") she really isn't consider a "child" anymore, the adult GI's claim because of her age she isn't really classified as an adult. He said it all has something to do with the type of tools they could have to use for different tests. It all sounds like a bunch of bull to me!