I am going to start the Caltrate tonight. I need something to help me. I have had a HORRIBLE 4 days. Thursday I started getting another bad attack and have had it since...I can't eat anything without running to the bathroom. I have taken 4 Imodiums a day & it has not helped at all! I started wondering if maybe I have the stomach flu??? But, I know the symptoms I am having are the same as a bad IBS attack. I am really at my wits end. I spent most of the weekend in bed, crying or in the bathroom. I am gonig back to the doctor on Thursday to find out if there is any other medications I can take that don't have the same side effects as Levbid/Levsin. I couldn't function on them. I am also going to get back on my anti-anxity med's, hoping that will help a bit too? I need anything now...I have had my diarrhea continual for over a year. No matter what I eat, it gives me the runs! (the past few days are alot worse though)