After having multiple tests (blood, stool, endscopy, colonscopy) and the doctors not finding anything in my lower bowels, but found esophagitis, gastritis, acid reflux and H. Pylori bacteria they put me on PREVPAC. PREVPAC contains Prevacid, 2000 mgs of Amoxicillin, and another pill. I have finished the medicine last week. And for awhile my stomach was somewhat back to normal, not 100%, but not like it was. Well, I am starting to get diarrhea again (not as intense), and my stomach is starting to ache again. I don't know what to do next. Should I wait awhile to see if the medicine is still coursing through me and it hasn't finished its purpose yet? What other medication will they put me on?
I am starting to lose my depression because I now feel numb and empty on the inside of my mind. The only bright spot is that I have met a guy and I like him but don't want to tell him any of these. This is a brand new friend at dating (3 weeks), so I don't want to scare anyone off by explaining my bathroom problems. I wouldn't blame him if he ran after I told him, I would probably do the same thing. It's just not a pretty thing to talk about especially with a new relationship. He likes to go to the bars as he is very into the nightlife (as I used to be before this) and i'm sure he would like me to join him. Any advise? How can I go to crowded bar and what would happen if I had a bathroom attach? Bar bathrooms are not the best, especially since a lot of the bars don't have stall doors... Also, how can I seem to enjoy myself when everyone is drinking but me? I'm not a big drinker anyway, but sometimes alcohol can stir up trouble or so I've been told. Anyone have any suggestions on how to survive a night out at the clubs?
One other thing- I know this is wrong and people shouldn't use other people's presciptions. But when I take a painkiller (whatever the mgs or whatever the brand- doesn't matter) my problems go away. The pain in my stomach is gone and I don't have the need to use the bathroom or diarhea. I may be slightly constipated the next two days, but I'll take C over D anyday!!! Does anyone else see results like this with painkillers with their IBS-D? How would you approach your dr to discuss the benefits of the painkillers in relation to your ibs?
Sorry so long, just needed to get this out of my mind and get some advice from you great people!