Hey Guys im a 22 y.o. male in need of some opinions.
First off, i had no clue where to put this, so i figured to go with my most pressing issue. Since about last summer i have been having problems when it comes to defecation. It seems that i have an anal fissure or something, as often it is hard to go with a lot of pressure, but when i do, on occassion i feel a tearing, burning pain in my rectum, and a small amount of blood appears. This was worst a few months ago where it would actually stay bright red after a couple of wipes. I know the redder the blood is, the closer it is to the rectum. Also the past few days, i have been experiencing burning in the base of my penis when i defecate. Also as of late (a few days) i have felt kind of worn down and a bit woozy, but i do not know if this is all in my head or not. I have known to be pretty stressed out and tend to be a little bit of a hypochondriac, especially lately. Just to let u know, my family has a history of gastrointestinal problems (my brother actually died last year from complications from Crohn's Disease), but i got a colonoscopy after displaying some signs, and everything came back negative. But please let me know if you think it is best to see a doctor right away, or at least give me some possible diagnoses.
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