Sounds like you need a FlyLady rescue of your house. Get yourself an egg timer and set it for 15 minutes and go through a room picking up the worst of the mess. Make sure you have a laundry basket and a trashbag with you in every room; put things that belong somewhere else in the house in the basket, and trash, obviously, in the bag. When you get done in one room, haul the basket and trashbag with you to the next room. Remove anything from the basket that belongs in that room, put it away, then set your timer for 15 minutes, and go. Don't forget to empty trashcans into your big bag as you go. Don't get down on your hands and knees to scrub the tub; just swipe the sink and counters clean and pull the curtain or door over the tub. If you have some scrubbing bubbles cleaner, spray down the tub as soon as you start cleaning, then when the timer is almost done, run the shower for a few minutes to rinse it out. That'll be good enough. Do 15 minutes in each room and you will probably find that they look decent, even if they're not as company-clean as you'd like. Depending on how well you feel and how much free time you have, you may do 15 minutes in every room every day between now and dinner Sunday, and will probably have the house looking wonderful. But since I assume that everyone knows you're doing remodeling work, they'll understand a bit of a mess, and will probably be more interested in looking at your new cabinets/flooring/appliances/wallpaper/fixtures than looking at a pile of books or papers that has no where to live right now except the living room floor. Sometimes just stacking homeless items up in a small, out-of-the-way corner makes the room look a lot better.
I never have understood northern people's preoccupation with snow blowing. I guess we get so little of it down here that if our driveways get blocked up with it, we just stay home for the most part. Southern people know it will get hot eventually and melt it, lol. If you only get 2 inches, why bother clearing the driveway? That shouldn't be enough snow to really hamper you getting in and out, and it will probably be all melted by the time you have company Sunday anyways. Or just get a big bag of rock salt, scatter it out on the driveway and that should keep snow and ice from acculmulating there in the first place. The few times in my life when we have gotten a goodly snow accumulation, I have never seen anyone shovel snow. If it can't be fully conquered with hot water, rock salt, or kitty litter, it is just plowed through with whatever vehicle you have. Get redneck on that driveway; rednecks don't shovel no snow! (They also don't rake leaves, which is a good excuse to go redneck this fall). Snow is just an opportunity to go off-roading in your 4-wheel drive or all-terrain vehicle.
I feel for you with the oil change. The last several times I went in for an oil change, they found something major wrong with my car. First it was my brakes, and then my serpentine belt needed replacing. I got a second opinion, which confirmed they weren't trying to rip me off at the Sears Auto Center, but all the same, the last time I got my oil changed, I told them DON'T LOOK AT ANYTHING! My car drives quite well when I'm ignorant of its problems, lol.
Don't worry; it will get better. The aunt that's come visiting will go away in a few days and, you'll feel better, your dinner will be a hit and everyone will admire your improvements and your house will look just fine.