Very depressed lately. IBS pain bad, don't have money to fill my prescript
ion for increased dose of Fentanyl patch (50mcg). Have last patch of 25mcg dose on; runs out tomorrow. I do still have Oxycodone for break-thru pain, but doesn't work as well w/lower dose patch, or by itself. BM's increased as well. Just have been sick. Increased nausea and migraines as well.
Husband lost his job last week, not sure if I can qualify for any help or not, as he did make too much money before and we have more than one car.
Saw attorney today for first time r/t disability claim. He said he is optomistic and wants to try to get an appt w/judge quickly. I cried a lot today telling my story to the attorney. I have been very depressed today especially. I don't know for sure why I got upset at attorney's office; afterall, he is helping me.
Anyway, just needed to vent I guess, Thanks for listening