Hi again. First of all, a small update: I saw the doctor again recently and he is referring me to a gastro. I mentioned he had taken blood the previous time, but from the results he shared with me, I don't think he actually tested for the things we talked about
(or didn't explain it well). Anyway, the results were pretty much normal, my urine sample was normal, and I'm waiting on word about
another blood test, stool sample, and the gastro ref.
But anyway, the doctor did bring the possibility of IBS up, though he also thought it was premature to call it that right now. I agree.
But my question (which has probably been asked before) has to do with the diarrhea/loose stools I've been having over the past few weeks. As I mentioned in a previous post, sometimes it's yellow, sometimes it's brown, most times there's mucus involved, but almost always I can see something from whatever I last ate.
I guess I wonder if I'm absorbing any nutrients if I'm seeing these foods again in nearly whole form (well, chomped up, but other than that...).
One reason I don't think that this is IBS (although some symptoms fit) is because I've been experiencing a lot of general nausea and stomach pain, leading to a lack of appetite (though some things strangely appeal and I'm eating, but not lots). From what I've read here, lack of appetite doesn't seem to be normal. If anyone can shed some light on that too, it would be great.
I also think I may have some GERD and sinus issues. To be honest, I've been kind of fearing the worst in all of this, but that's no way to think and it may not be that bad. Hopefully once I get in with the gastro, more comprehensive tests can be done (including the HIDA) and we can get this figured out to some degree. Thank you, everyone.