Thanks for the support, chicas! I had my first day of class today...this is going to be extremely intense. I have to review the 75 pages (not exaggerating, for once in my life) of histology that we covered in a 3-hour lecture today. Then I have to pre-read tomorrow's histology and biochemistry lectures. Tomorrow we also start gross anatomy.
I saw my new doctor today. She is AWESOME. She just finished her family medicine residency and is a graduate of my program. After I told her about my Grave's disease, she spent 45 minutes with me...refilled all my scripts, set me up with an endocrinologist, got a baseline EKG, ordered all the right bloodwork, etc. It's looking pretty much like I'm hyperthyroid again (which isn't surprising, given the fact that I haven't been to the endocrinologist in over two months), so she was able to get me into see an endocrinologist tomorrow (the waitlist here is supposedly months to see an endo)! I know this'll sound bad but I feel so apprehensive about missing a lecture that I'm going to see if I can reschedule that appointment. Stupid, probably, but I am like a deer in headlights right now and am petrified of getting behind so early on.