Thanks Keriamon.
I know it's true you can definitely have two things wrong with you at once! I guess I just wondered if the sudden persistent presentation of heartburn might mean something. I hope it's not something that just decided to pop up and that I'll have to deal with permanently.
I'll definitely try having a snack when the heartburn starts in the afternoon. I'll have to get some crackers or something to keep at my desk, maybe even saltines would work. I don't drink anything with caffeine because I also have anxiety (you can have three things wrong with you at once!) and the caffeine makes it worse, so that's not a heartburn culprit. I can't even imagine trying to drink something carbonated with heartburn...ouch! I've been letting some gingerale go flat this week and I sip at that when I get home, but that's about
the only soda I ingest. I don't eat much raw fruit either because that doesn't go over well with the IBS, but I do have OJ in the morning. Maybe I'll try going without that for a few days and see if it helps at all.
I may try something OTC for it if it persists (other than the Rolaids that haven't been helping), but I will probably make an appointment with the doctor anyway. My IBS has been acting funny lately too. I have always been a strictly IBS-D'r and lately I've been having horrific bouts of D followed by terrible C (days and days). This is not "normal" for me (funny that I consider chronic D "normal"
) and with the sudden presentation of heartburn I think I'd feel better getting checked out just to make sure nothing else is going on. I haven't been to my gastro in about
3 years so now might be a good time to go back.
Thanks again for the quick response. I still wonder if a lot of people with IBS also suffer with heartburn?