Posted 11/20/2007 4:43 AM (GMT 0)
Hello everyone. I know I have not been here in quite a while. I have been doing sooo incredibly well lately, knock on wood. I am however, having some issues tonight, most likely related to my period. As I lay here, it occurred to me, that posting some of the things that help us might be a great resource. So take a second to list the things you have done that seem to help, maybe having them all in one place will help someone else. Sleep well all.
1. Regular exercise: I cannot even begin to tell you how much better I feel since losing 26 pounds and exercising 3-5 times a week with weights, cardio and yoga. I use THe Firm. Exercise is believed to help the digestive track and also relieve stress which helps IBS as well. Its also believed exercise will slow the intestines and help stop attacks on occassion, yoga or deep breathing is good for this.
2. Cramping: Deep breathing, heating pad or water bottle, I take Levid .375 in the generic form as needed.
3. Drink lots of water.
5. Digestive Advantage for IBS caplet form. not chewable it has sweetners which can cause IBS problems.
6. Get the appropriate amount of sleep and find a diet that works for you ( I personally have trouble with that since something can trigger and then not trigger.)
7. Rely on your faith, I know that means different things for different people, but being a christian, I have found that when I really ask GOd for help and believe he is strong enough to give me strength, he helps. I also try and remember all the things that are blessings in my life and think about all the people in the world who have it worse than I. Even, though that doesn't always help.
8. Friends and support, finding people who you can open up to about IBS and anxiety who won't judge you and will support you.
Good luck everyone. Sometimes, nothing helps and it sucks so bad, but I thought this might help someone out there. Sleep well all.