Monday night i had a chicken sandwich. I went home and had severe diarrhea. The next day I woke up and felt very bloated, and then was constipated throughout the entire day! It was horrible!!!!!!!!!
By Tuesday evening 11p.m. i went out to purchase phospho-soda. I had one tablespoon with about
10oz. of water. I went to bed and woke up at 5:30a.m. and had severe diarrhea again. It is now Thursday and i have gone to the washroom prob. every 40 min to an hour. and if i eat.....well lets just say it's not too pretty.
HELP! How long does this phosph-soda stay in my system? OR is this something else that i should get checked out? Perhaps i have a stomach virus or IBS! This is really interfering with my life. My poor wife!
Please help me with any suggestions