Hello everyone,
My son suffers with IBS like I do and he went to a GNLD place to get thses supplements and within a week he is now IBS FREE...So now I am trying it, this is my second day, the first couple of days are kind of rough. But my son said after the first 2 days, he is feeling great. No more dumping syndrome, bloating, or heaving and rolling of the intestines.
You take on pill right before you eat a meal, so he takes 2 a day, he had no appitite before and now he can eat and feel great. So he is one happy camper. I hope that this works for me as well as I have tried all the other digestive enzymes, and probiotics and everything under the sun. So I will give you the info and you can check it out...definately worth a try.
GNLD Neolife Digestive Enzyme Supplements - Natural Acidophilus
So find a dealer in your area in the phone book because it is cheaper than online...so with fingers crossed I hope it works for me. The most suprising for me is I have had a normal bowel movement today and have not had one on my own since April 09...so that made me happy...
Wishing you all great digestion.
Leslie |