Ok, I was diagnosed with IBS back in 2003. At the time, though, I was under extreme stress. My husband had just been sent to Iraq, I had just moved back to my hometown, my grandfather (whom I was very close to) had been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, and my sister's kids were just taken from her. She had receintly divorced due to his cheating on her, and it affected her in a bad way....she started drinking. After losing the kids though, she straightened up and got them back several months later. But all of that was going on all at the same time. Also, they were using my husband as an infantry soldier, instead of a cook which is what he is. So, he was going out on missions everyday. I started getting severe lower abdominal pain and would have to rush to the bathroom. There were many times, the pain was so severe I would have to control my breathing to try to get through it. My doctor diagnosed me as having IBS. Well, shortly after my husband came back from Iraq, the symptoms subsided greatly until they completely disappeared. Well, my husband was sent back, for his second tour in Iraq, last March 2009. He is due back very soon. I went to the doctor, receintly, due my having alternating 3 days severe constipation (sometimes w/manual removal of feces the only way to get it out) and 1 day of diarrhea. It started last November (about 2-3 days before my period was due). I assumed it was PMS. But it didn't go away, even after my period was over. I still have it now. I haven't had a normal bowel movement since it started, two months ago. My husband isn't being sent on missions everyday, like he was for his last tour. He is required to stay at the camp and is doing mostly paperwork. So, I don't really have a lot of stress there. My kids are high needs (1 has moderate ADHD and the other has severe adhd/mild autism) but they have been diagnosed, and on meds, for at least three years now, so I'm pretty used to their routine. I know I have to have at least a little bit of stress, since I'm raising them w/out my husband at the moment, but I don't really feel stressed. I did get really stressed out about a month ago, but I took a nice, hot, bubble bath with relaxing music, after they went to bed, and it relieved my stress. But I felt like that after the symptoms started. I went to my doctor about it earlier this month, January, and she ordered blood work and a fecal test...both of which came back w/in normal limits. I'm going to be 31 in April. I have also lost a good amount of weight, 27 lbs. in the last three months. But I was able to quit taking meds that had caused me to gain weight over four months ago. I've always had a very fast metabolism, and believe the weight loss is due to getting the medication out of my system. Also, I don't think this is related...I think it's just a virus, but will mention it anyway, just in case it may be related. My son came down with the stomach flu last thursday night. I know it was stomach flu because I took him to the dr. the next day. He had vomiting, diarhhea (normal green color) and fever. My daughter caught it Friday morning, again, took her to the dr. as well. She had diarrhea (green color like my son's) and vomiting but no fever. Last night, I got diarrhea. But mine didn't look like their's at all. Mine was straight water, bright neon yellow, and very very copius. Also, I became fatigued after the second bout of it, to the point that I couldn't get to bed fast enough. When I did, I simply collapsed on the bed, breathing very deep and heavy, and fell asleep instantly. I got plenty of rest the night before, so no lack of sleep caused it. My doctor referred me to the GI clinic, but my appointment isn't until February 3rd. Also, I tend to burp quite a bit. Nothing too drastic though, about 50-70 times a day. I even burp when I'm not drinking anything at all. Could these symptoms be IBS? What about the neon yellow diarrhea? Could that simply be me catching the virus my kids had, or something else? I know that the neon yellow color meant too much bile was in it, but I don't really know what that means or if it could be dangerous or not. I had a total of about 5-6 bouts, last night, altogether and some of it actually leaked out into my underwear between bouts. This morning, I am still having the diarrhea. It is still yellow, but not the neon color. Also, it has a tannish color with it as well. Could someone please enlighten me? I would have made a dr. appt. for myself today, but it's saturday and they are closed. Also, I haven't really had much of an appitite for the last three days, including today, though I've been trying to eat. But all I've had today is a muffin, which took me over an hour and a half to eat.
Post Edited (cloudmom) : 1/23/2010 5:09:27 PM (GMT-7)