I had ulcerative colitis three years ago and had an emergency total colectomy. My recovery was very rocky and had subsequent hospitalizations for abscesses, DVT, pain, vomiting. I had my ostomy takedown about
a year and a half ago. I have since been in so much pain...in my stomach, radiating to the side and to the back. I am constantly nauseated and can't keep down anything but donuts and Instant Breakfast or SlimFast. Since GI's don't prescribe pain meds, I had to start going to a Pain Management Clinic and I have pain meds that don't work. I see a psychiatrist for Xanax and Paxil, since I can't cope with the pain very well. I also take Seroquel, Phenergan and Neurontin and morphine. I am so frightened of losing my job and health insurance. I just turned 26 and I have no life. I have had every test imaginable during two hospitalizations at my local hospital, and then I went to the Emory Clinic in Atlanta. I was hospitalized twice there and tests only show abnormal thickened folds of my stomach. Does anyone have any suggestions about
where I can go for help? PLEASE!!!
Thank you.