Nice conversation with my beloved sister yesterday
She told me she had chnaged her mind and avised me to get the endoscopie (which means colonoscopy). She said her colonsocopy showed noting and they did also several biopsies at different levels of the Gt but found nothing but "doli-colon" (forgive me, maybe only a French expression), which means the colon is atypical, too long and too tender. They did not find any inflammation anyway.
Then she insisted I should come back to France where I can have good medical facilities with doctors who know about
Western Guts.
Well I don't feel like going back to France for many reasons.
And I know she is constanlty trying to fond good reasons for getting me back closer to her.
No way, at least for the time being.
well I'll get checked in Delhi, i decided, in September, since I have to go there to renew my passport in hte French Ambassy.
I can survive till then, i think, because my symptoms are mild and now for about
one week, no sever cramps, just very mild ones maybe only one or two per day, and the overall discomfort is also very slight. Yes, I know, remission means nothing, but I don't think I am in danger and anyway, yes, I'll ask for the colonoscopy and biopsies and blood test.
and now I am going to explore the links you kindly provided.
The interesting data is that she told me that our dad, who died of AIDS about
20 years ago, and had among all the sickness brought by AIDS, chiefly intestinal infection... and so, she todl me that actually all his life (before AIDS), he was a ultra-yeast consummer, and often adivsed her to take ultra-yeast.
Now if you look for the virtues of that Sacchormyces boulardii, it is said that it treats Crohn's so maybe there is something.
She also said our dad's 2d cosui today has Colon cancer, the only case of cancer in our family.
I'll ensure that the gatstroentorologue in Delhi knows these IBD and CD well.
BIG THANKS for all your kind sharing and advices
Oh, I also found out these days that discomfort and cramps were triggered by pressure, euther an bosdy position which presses on the belly, or my clothes!
Does this ring any bell?
And I am constantly belching (air burping suddenly from the mouth noisily)it is embarassing sometimes. Do you have any explanation related to bowels? I would beleive that belching is rather related to the stomach thant the gut or colon, but this is my fact, My sister doesn't belch or burp but has often fats she said.
Oh this is all a bit boring, sorry
Lots of love to you
Post Edited (BetterThanHellThough) : 2/14/2011 8:07:21 AM (GMT-7)