Hi all,
I'm usually on the Fibro end of this website even though I have IBS. However, lately something's been feeling weird, and I'd just like some advice. Here goes:
So in the past 2 to 3 weeks, I've been getting very weird, bowel movements. When I 'go', everything starts off nice and formed, with a little gas pain. Then either during or not even a half hour later, I get a bad, achy feeling in my abdomen, and boom, diarrhea. The worrisome part for me is I get constipated for a day, and have this scenario happen almost every time I eat. It doesn't matter if it's milk, bread, fruit, nothing seems to be helping, and the last time I had pepto, I was clogged up for 3 days
The other alarming issue is the smell *sorry to be gory* and what appears to be mucus, which I've read can be a bad sign.
Nothing about
these movements seems right, but I don't want to go rushing to my family doctor because I know flus can do this, and when I get the flu, it's generally from the lower end. However, being paranoid about
eating for the last while is getting frustrating. Any advice fellow forumers?