Hello, sorry 2 hear another who suffers from ibs. I started by the age of 2 with bowel problems. Thru the years it got severe. The only time i felt good was when i was
pregnant, in which I did this 7-times...Lol
Last year my intestines quit functioning & my weight gain in a matter of the first month of this problem i gained 25-pounds. Thereafter I went 2 gain a total of 70, as nothing was coming out. Needless 2 say, I had an ileostomy last May. it was very difficult growing up as my parents & brother could not understand why i couldn't get out of the bathroom, why i would cry from the pain. As an adult I wouldn't go anywhere without knowing where the nearest bathrooms were in stores, etc. I had 2 carry a port-a-potty in R vehicle. Just horrible 2 live this way.
I struggle with the fact that i believe i passed this on 2 my children. Ou t of my 7-kids, 3-suffer right now from it. I wouldn't wish this on my worsed enemy.
My husband had always been super, extremely healthy & never got sick. A lead stomach...He could eat anything. He has always been over-the-top understanding living with me & my bowel disease. Picking up the slack (which was a lot) in our daily life & raising 7-kids. Then when he went 2 Iraq & served in combat in 2003, he came back with an entirely different body. Immediatiely started experiencing bowel problems. With knowing all the signs & symptoms it wasn't long before we were able 2 get a diagnosis. We took times fighting for the toilet 2 say the least. I joke with him now that I can poop when we're walking around anywhere (with pooing in a pouch now), family get 2-gethers, etc. Then he found out all his buddies that came back from Iraq suffered in the same way. Scary 2 not know that this has never been talked about & search in answers.
I pray Ur struggles get better. Anytime U would like 2 chat my email address is listed in the members section. I know it is much easier 2 have someone that has lived thru it as well.
Have a great day.