I need some help. about 3 months ago i began to have serious problems with constipation. I went to my doctor and she started me on stool softeners, fiber therapy, and miralax. This did not help and after several weeks she finally sent me to have a barium enema study which showed that I had an elongated colon and she then sent me to a general surgeon to have that part of my colon removed. (Please note that I have no insurance - this is the reason that I did not go to GI doctor). The surgeon said that I have an extremely long colon that has many curves and turns. However, he said that we needed to rule out some other issues. So I had a colonoscopy done, which was basically normal. I was then sent for a defacography test, which showed i had a rectocele. He then sceduled me for a marker - transit study. the day 5 xray states that i had 24 of 24 markers and i had colonic inertia. Now he is having me once again to start taking 4 doses of miralax daily, 4 doses of collace daily and metamucil daily and then wants me to go back in 3 more days to have another x-ray.
this is the problem, i understand that i need to fix the rectocele, however, my theory is to go ahead at the same time and take out the redundant part of the colon. however, i feel like he is trying to make up reasons not to do the colon part. What are your opninions as far as your issues. do you think that he is trying not to do it since i don't have insurance. Would your doctors have gone ahead and done both. I just don't understand why we wouldn,t do both since it is a pretty good chance that if it doesn,t get done now it will have to be done later.
by the way, after colonoscopy he said i had about 80% more colon than normal.
And another thing, why is he having me take all these meds and then another x-ray?