Posted 10/26/2012 6:00 PM (GMT 0)
Hi to anyone suffering from IBS, first I want to say that when I worked in Healthcare I was a research analyst ..I have been diagnosed with IBS for two years and most recently had a very hard time with a flare up that lasted almost three months, I could not leave home, much less feel like having company, I felt like I was going crazy and knew It was up to me to do something else..I refused to take this diagnosis, so I started first with the Mayo Clinic and they state that IBS is a catch all for any digestion problems that especially after all the tests and no results,that it is a "I don't know whats wrong with you diagnosis".And that it comes down to "your Colon or Bowel is not working right.
What I'm doing :
I decided in order to calm it down my Colon and Intestinal track,made sence that all going out nothing good staying in (I had the runs all the time,even water would not stay in) I started a Broad spectrum Ultra Probiotic with SBO,after a couple of weeks my belly finally started calming down a lot.
Then I started cutting out most Sugars,Wheat and Gluten, all Dairy. My Potassium levels I knew had to be low , I felt so sick, so I started eating anything with potassium in it including drinking Pediyct (more electrolycts than Gatorade, yes I know its for babies,we feel that way right..but easier on the body,just sip some if you can't take to much in at first,you will feel better,because Potassium is very important to feeling well) I Started feeling a lot better,but not there yet.
I also started taking a Vit. B -Stress complex..makes sence to me I'm stressed and my body is working good..Last early evening I took a three mile power walk..YAY
Even tho I had a lot of Blood work done and Stool tests for Parasites ( all normal)..I understand the blood work, and was delighted that it was all good as I have been taking at least a 1-2 Tablespoons of Organic Virgin Coconut oil a day(Google it has a lot of goodness in it). But still had a feeling this was more makes sence to me if the Colon or Bowel is not functioning right and there are'nt any other problems then it still must be Parasites,because there are thousand of different ones..I decided to do a Parasite cleanse (it is a three week rid and sweep) I have to tell you ,you have to stop the probiotic it is a repair and kinda of also prep for the can start it back up after the cleanse...only two days in and I feel great.
One more thing..drink all fluids at room temp. or warmer is ok,but, no ice cold anything (think about that one,it shocks your intestines and you Colon (more spasms,right).
Ok all you beautiful people out there I hope this helps you all.
One more thing..try to eat as little Fat as possible..not Fat Free anything (too many fillers and preservatives.)just cut down on any especially fried foods..I'm making Soups !
As I said before I was a Research Analyst,not a Doctor,this has worked for me,listen to your body and let that be your guide..I curled up for a long time and am posting this because it may be a guide for you./I know this is a long post do if you have any questions,let me know !!
Best Wishes.