I'm new here and just wondering if anyone could help me out. For years I have always had a sensitive stomach. Anytime I get nervous I have to go to the bathroom and my stomach gets upset easily. I have periods maybe once or twice a month where my stomach will bother me (cramping, pains, bouts of loose stool) then it goes away after 2 or 3 days. I have been dealing with some issues the past 4 weeks. It started with a crampy stomach and some loose stools. I was going about 5-6 times per day. It would seem loose in the morning then as the day progressed I had the feeling I needed to go but could only get a little bit out. This went on for 3 or 4 days and since it has been loose stool as soon as I wake up in the morning and then the rest of the day I just have the feeling like there is something there. A pressure type feeling or the need to use the bathroom but I don't need to. In the evenings I have noticed I am quite gassy. During these 4 weeks the symptoms all went away for a week then came back. I have not changed my diet and exercise regularly. I do have myself scared to death of colon cancer because I look things up on the Internet. My biggest concern is the loose stool each morning and the feeling of something there. I went to the doctor yesterday and he sent me for blood tests and is doing some stool tests as well. Not sure if I am causing more problems by worrying. My doctor did suggest IBS but said he was not ready to diagnose yet. No other symptoms. I feel great otherwise! Any ideas???