My IBS-D has flared up royally the past several months - 4-6 very loose stools every day, many bile d and painful, along with urgency, burning smelly gas, and cramping. I just wanted to share my success in finally getting control over this with diet. Hopefully this might help someone else.
I started in mid July researching and eliminating different foods. I experimented with SCD, low FODMAP, and a mishmash of others. I gave up my 4-stick-a-day sugarless gum habit. As of right now, I'm eating gluten-free, lactose-free, corn-free and gave up sodas and artificial sweeteners. I also avoid high fructose corn syrup and junk additives. I eat lots of fruit and veggies, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, plain yogurt, and hard cheese and drink coffee, tea, and water. In addition, I'm limiting my starches to no more than 2 servings per day (rice, potatoes) and have very little sugar and honey. I don't count calories and eat when I'm hungry, and have the added bonus of losing 14 pounds in 2 months without trying.
I noticed big improvement in gas, urgency, and cramping almost immediately after I gave up gluten and corn. The diarrhea decreased to 3 or 4 times a day. It was only after I cut out alcohol and some of my supplements that I finally had normal stool. Specifically, I dropped melatonin, vitamin C, probiotics, psyllium, and fish oil. I plan to add these back in one at a time to see if any irritate my bowels.
Yesterday and today, so far, perfect BM, 2 times a day, no pain or cramping, no feeling of not being empty, and almost clean toilet paper after a wipe. This is after over 2 months!
I've also felt major improvement in non-GI symptoms. My depression and brain fog have lifted, and my energy is incredibly even throughout the day.
I'm not done with my elimination plan - it's an ongoing process, and I will try to add different things. I think I'll try corn again in the form of tortillas after I've continued normal BMs for a week or so. I may try some alcohol after another few weeks - I certainly miss my glass of red wine or a nice vodka tonic.
Anyhow, for anyone trying to heal through dietary changes, be patient and try not to change too many things at once. Keep a diary of symptoms and what you eat. It took me over 2 months of eliminating and experimenting to get this far. It wasn't until I realized some of the many supplements and/or my 2 cocktails a night might cause problems, too.