I am new to the site and as I regularly read the posts I thought that perhaps its time I register and tell my story. Perhaps someone is going through the same and can shed some light as I have kinda lost faith in all my doctors. I hope that sharing my story may lead to some answers.
I am a 49 year old white female. I have always been very active, gyming and running everyday, conscious of my body and overall took good care of myself. I don't smoke and consume minimal alcohol.
In late 2010 I started suffering from severe constipation and after numerous hospital admissions/scans/scopes/xrays etc and jump to Nov 2011 it was decided that I needed to have my colon removed. Apart from giving birth in 1989 and having a hysterectomy in 2003 I had never been back to a hospital! I had a total colectomy via
open surgery and was 10 days in hospital. I recovered pretty well and besides having a 30cm cut down my stomach I didn't lose any weight or have any significant side effects from the surgery. The surgeon did a direct join of cecum to rectum so I don't have a bag. I was on Imodium daily for the loose stools but they were manageable and I went about
my daily life as normal. Then in April 2012 the incision popped and I had further surgery to repair an incisional hernia. I suffered terribly from there on with acid reflux and was on nexium 40mg 3 x daily. I continued to have problems with the reflux and on a number of occasions was admitted to hospital due to pain. I underwent numerous scopes and along the way picked up H.Pylori, more meds were prescribed and off I went. I was still having loose stools and now on top of that I was permanently nauseus and bloated. My stomach used to swell so badly that I looked pregnant. I was in severe pain due to the swelling. My weight had still not fluctuated. I was on average around 63kg of slender build.
My GP suspected that I had an obstruction and did xrays. He referred me to a surgeon whom I knew well as he had performed scopes in the past. I was readmitted and he tried to perform a colonoscopy but the scope wouldn't go in!! A barium enima was done after theatre and showed a very thin loopy small bowel. He said there was no obstruction and sent me home
This is when I decided to take matters into my own hands and looked for another doctor that perhaps knew what he was doing. I met with a new surgeon at a neighbouring hospital who immediate set about
doing all sorts of tests. I did a lactose intolerant test and was found to be highly intolerant, so no more dairy. He did a scope to see why I was on such a high dose of nexium and for such a long period of time and discovered that I had Barretts Esophegus. So the dairy was causing diahorrea and the nexium was causing diahorrea so I stopped the meds and cut the dairy. He then performed a Nissen Fundoplication for the reflux and I felt great. No more heartburn and no more throwing up undigested food. All in all I thought I was on my way to being my old self. Now we are at August 2013 and this was my 22nd hospital admission since my total colectomy. I honestly thought this was the last of it. I went overseas on holiday which was a bit of a challenge as I wasn't able to eat much after the surgery but I coped and came back well rested. My tummy was still swelling and was still painful and on 21 Nov 2013 I ended up back in hospital with an intestinal obstruction in 4 places. I was in critical care for a week after having 20cm removed of small bowel, in 4 separate sections. The surgeon also removed numerous adhesions from the previous surgery. My belly had again been cut from top to bottom along the old incision
Jump to today Feb 2014 and I feel like I am back at square one. I have BM up to 20 times a day, yellow foamy and burn like hell.... sometime oily and mostly explosive. My belly is sore midway on the incision and it looks like I have yet again popped the hernia in the same place. I have recently had blood test for celiac disease which came back negative so I opted to have the bowel biopsy and that too was negative! I tried to cut the gluten out of my diet to see it that helps but that was a waste of time too. Every single night after I eat I have these severe attacks which feel like I am inhaling shards of glass, the attacks can last up to a couple of hours and nothing I do helps. I am really at my wits end as I have lost almost 12kg since November, I am permantely tired, I have intermittent pains in my right rib cage. I am fed up going back and forward to the doctor and reading on the internet to see if I can self diagnose.....
has anyone got any idea or experienced anything similar.....