Hi all. I'm new to the forum. I suffer from IBS symptoms since 2008. I started with gas, bloating, difficult to digest food, loose stools and pain. In 2010 all got worse with gurgling colon all day/night and more difficult to digest food. My doctor said it was "only IBS". I wake up at night with pain, gas and bloating, then add the reflux !! In 2011 I asked for lactose and celiacs tests. Celiacs tests came out negative but lactose came out positive (the genetic test). So I think lactose was the "guilty" for my problems. I cut off all lactose products. Lactose was everywere! I improved a little, but not at all. During 2012 I started also with panick attacks, fatigue, anxiety and continued to have problems with colon. I also suffered from sinusites, so I take 3-4 rounds of antibiotics every year since 2007 to fight it. In february 2013 I started with yellow diarrhea and a lots of pain, every day was worse and after 2 weeks I go to doctor. He runs blood test, stool test, all came out negative, and the blood test was perfect.
He labeled me with 'IBS' and maybe 'depressed'. He did not give me any meds. My symptoms continued for other 2 weeks. I go to hospital, done another blood test and an abdomen scan, all looks normal.
In hospital they sent me to a gastroenterologist. He runs the calprotectin test and came out positive and a little high, but done nothing only "wait and see" in 2 months! I was desperate for help and read on internet all I can about
calprotectine. I discovered the world of Chron's and ulcerative colitis (calprotectine was always positive for this patologies). I was worried about
that and I took bioflorin to help with diarrhea. After 1 months the diarrhea improved but I have loose stools and pain after every meals. In august 2013 after a holiday (!) I had a second flare up with diarrhea/pain. Another trip to gastro, blood test and abdomen scan, all look normal but calprotectin was 300 ! For me this wasn't IBS at all but for my gastro this calprotectin result wasn't so high. I tried to have a colonoscopy but I could not drink preparation so the colonoscopy was canceled. I was desperate because I was convinced to have Crohn's disease instead of only IBS but at this point gastro can do nothing for me. In 6 months I lost 10 kg. In September 2013 I discovered the low fodmap diet and also the paleo diet. I decided to try to heal on my own. For curiosity I asked my doctor to done the anti-asca test because I learned on internet that came out positive for crohn’s. Well my test came out positive. Desperation! I ask the gastro about
this results but he said nothing, without a colonoscopy it’s impossible to have a crohn diagnosis so I had only IBS.
I started the low fodmap diet and this helped a lot with diarrhea. In December 2013 the calprotectin was negative! Without meds, only with probiotics and diet. I cut off all pasta, rice, sweets and dairy . I lost other kg’s. I was 41 kg. I done blood test and vitamin D and B12 was so low. I have panick attacks and anxiety every day and night. I read about
“protocollo Coimbra” that helped people with autoimmune disease using the vitamin D. So I add vitamin D, vitamin B12, probiotics, digestive enzimes and trace elements (iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc). I also have low ferritin and ipoglycemic crisis. During 2014 I slowly improved! I don’t have other flare up but I have good times and some not so good but I keep reading every things I can about
autoimmunity. I think that IBS doesn’t exist s as disease, it’s the only ways the doctor told you “I dont’ know what you have”.
I learned about
IBS that was also an autoimmunity disorders, it’s the first step towards IBD like crohn’s or ulcerative colitis.
Now my stool came normals, sometimes hard and my vitamine leves goes up, also my ferritin improved a little. I have little pain after meals but manageable. I have little gas but are bloated at evening. I have a little anxiety but nothing like before. I know I have SIBO (small bacterial overgrowth in small intestines) and a leaky gut. Maybe I’m sensitive to gluten. I took a zonulin test and was high, so leaky gut was confirmed. I continued with diet (a mix with paleo and low fodmap), probiotics, enzime digestives and vitamines. I tried to have stress well managed. I hope this helps.